| "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." | |
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| Sujet: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Ven 18 Oct - 22:48 | |
Lee Flaherty A blow job is actually a big political event in the grand scheme of things. After all it was a blow job that destroyed any chance at a healthy democracy. dossier médical nom : Flaherty. prénom(s) : Lee. âge : 29 ans. lieu et date de naissance : San Francisco, 19 avril 1984 . statut civil : célibataire. métier/occupation : Défenseur de demoiselles en détresse, nan jdéconne, militant à Greenpeace. nationalité : américain. orientation sexuelle : ça dépend de ce qui l'arrange muahaha. caractère : un peu taré sur les bords, détendu du slip, fêtard, sociable, têtu, insouciant, téméraire, engagé. groupe : anesthesia. avatar : Jim Sturgess type de personnage : inventé.
à hôpital ✂ l'hôpital t'y vas souvent ? En ce moment oui, en fait depuis un an... Le cancer, c'est pas super hein? ✂ quand t'as un bobo, tu pleures ou t'es du genre à prendre les devants et à te recoudre avec ce que t'as sous le coude en mode mc gyver ? MacGyver est mon ami. Bon, puis mon meilleur pote c'est un peu MacGyver deux... Mais moi personnellement? Barf, je suis pas du genre à chialer pour une petite égratignure et puis, man versus wild, c'est un peu mon truc, ouais. ✂ quand t'es malade, t'es du genre repas fait de médocs ou médecine douce ? Médecine douce. Peace & love et tout ça... Bon pas totalement mais il paraît que l'herbe ça aide bien , i know it, et oui j'ai le droit à l'usage thérapeutique, ça vous en bouche un coin. ✂ tu mets ta santé en danger ? tu fumes, tu bois ? Fumer? Parfois. Boire? Beaucoup. Beaucoup trop. Mais bon... Faut bien sortir pour oublier la merde alentour 8) ✂ t'as des problèmes de santé connus ? Yes yes, le cancer, leucémie aiguë myéloblastique plus exactement... Ou c'est ce qu'ils disent sur mon diagnostic en tout cas. C'est pas la joie tous les jours mais on peut pas toujours avoir ce qu'on veut perso je préfère lui donner un nom, j'ai opté pour Bob , Bobby pour les intimes. ✂ ta famille t'a transmis des antécédents médicaux pas très glorieux ? réponse. ✂ t'es du genre allergique ? t'attrapes souvent le premier virus qui passe par là ? réponse.
derrière l'écran Sooooo je suis Angèle, j'ai 21 ans muahahaha, on m'a passé l'adresse de ce fo je connaissais pas du tout mais j'adhère déjà donc hâte de construire ce persoooo et j'aime le design et voilàààà
Dernière édition par Lee Flaherty le Dim 20 Oct - 20:26, édité 2 fois |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Ven 18 Oct - 22:48 | |
| histoire Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue.
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Ven 18 Oct - 23:14 | |
| bienvenue ! ♥ j'adore ton choix d'avatar ! ^^ |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 4:24 | |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 8:03 | |
| Bienvenue sur le forum et bon courage pour ta fiche Je te réserve Jim pour 10 jours, c'est un super choix Si t'as besoin d'autre chose, hésites pas. |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 11:11 | |
| Ce choix d'avatar Bienvenue!!! |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 11:15 | |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 11:24 | |
| Jim Welcome |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 12:09 | |
| OH PUTAIN CE CHOIX on est obligé d'avoir un lien parce que - Spoiler:
bweef, bienvenue |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 13:21 | |
| Heeyy bienvenue! |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 13:30 | |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 13:50 | |
| bienvenuue. |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Sam 19 Oct - 20:10 | |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Dim 20 Oct - 6:57 | |
| Jim... Across the universe. On se marie quand ? Ça s'passe comment ? Bienvenue parmi nous. |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Dim 20 Oct - 10:54 | |
| Bienvenue et très bon choix |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Dim 20 Oct - 15:27 | |
| Bienvenue |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Mar 22 Oct - 7:53 | |
| Bienvenue parmi nous! |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Mar 22 Oct - 11:28 | |
| bienvenue. |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Mer 23 Oct - 14:31 | |
| Welcome |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Mer 23 Oct - 15:49 | |
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| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." Jeu 24 Oct - 17:18 | |
| Bienvenue |
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Contenu sponsorisé
| Sujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." | |
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| "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." | |