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 "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."

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"And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."   "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 EmptySam 26 Oct - 20:55

Bienvenue luv 
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"And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."   "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 EmptySam 26 Oct - 23:18

Jiiiiiiiim "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 754271649 Quel bon choix, je veux t'épouser "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 3490716875 
En plus vu le caractère du bonhomme, je sens qu'on va bien s'entendre PERV PERV Bienvenue et bonne inspi' pour la suite GNI 
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"And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."   "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 EmptyMer 30 Oct - 9:12

Bonjour, ton délai pour ta réservation et finir ta fiche est passé. "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 3841814817 N'hésite pas à nous faire signe si tu as besoin de plus de temps. Je déplace ton sujet dans les présentations en danger, en attendant.
En espérant te revoir vite parmi nous. "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 3276111495
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"And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."   "And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else." - Page 2 Empty

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"And yet, people still turn to Jesus. You will notice though that the kind of people who turn to Jesus tend to be the sort of people who haven't done that well with everybody else."

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