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 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]

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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:23

Woodstock "Woody" Montford
Il faut être toujours ivre. Pour ne pas sentir l'horrible fardeau du temps qui brise vos épaules, il faut s’enivrer sans trêve. De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise. Mais enivrez-vous !

dossier médical
nom : Montford. prénom(s) : Woodstock, Gavin. âge : Quarante-deux ans. lieu et date de naissance : 4 mai 1971. statut civil : Divorcé, célibataire, libre comme l'air. métier/occupation : Assistant social dans le service des urgences. Prétexte pour se lever chaque matin, on le laissera l'avouer. nationalité : Américain. orientation sexuelle : Hétérosexuel, vraiment, indéniablement. caractère : ici. groupe : ici. avatar : Nikolaj Coster Waldau, le plus beau. type de personnage : Scénario de Dulce. ♥

à hôpital
✂ l'hôpital t'y vas souvent ? réponse.
✂ quand t'as un bobo, tu pleures ou t'es du genre à prendre les devants et à te recoudre avec ce que t'as sous le coude en mode mc gyver ? réponse.
✂ quand t'es malade, t'es du genre repas fait de médocs ou médecine douce ? réponse.
✂ tu mets ta santé en danger ? tu fumes, tu bois ? réponse.
✂ t'as des problèmes de santé connus ? réponse.
✂ ta famille t'a transmis des antécédents médicaux pas très glorieux ? réponse.
✂ t'es du genre allergique ? t'attrapes souvent le premier virus qui passe par là ? réponse.

derrière l'écran
Ici, tu donnes les informations que tu veux sur toi ! Ton petit pseudo, ton âge, même ton prénom si tu veux, et puis bien sûr où tu as connu le forum, ton niveau de présence sur Scrub In, et puis même un petit mot pour la fin, parce qu'on aime bien les infos supplémentaires (et inutiles) !
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:24

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue.
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:25

(re)bienvenue sur le forum et bon courage pour ta fiche luv
Super choix de scénario cara
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:28

Nikolaj ! I love you Rebienvenue sur le forum et excellent choix de scénario Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 766947147
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:29

Rebienvenue, super choix de scénario !!
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:36

    Merci encore Evan. I love you
    Je viendrai te harceler pour un lien thronien à la première occasion. GNI 

    Thanks Johan (ton avatar me fait toujours autant baver. bave)

    Et merci Lumen, j'avais zieuté ton scénario un moment, parce que Woufflee c'est la vie. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3841814817 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:44

RE I love you Bon courage pour ta fiche Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 766476550 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 11:47

    Merci. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3841814817 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 15:04

Je t'aime. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3841814817 I love you 
Ton titre, la citation de baudelaire, Nikolaj. Tu es définitivement parfait. luv Je suis impatiente de pouvoir lire ta fiche, je suis certaine qu'elle sera parfaite. Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hésite pas. Et encore merci. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 15:36

re-bienvenue I love you
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 17:21

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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 17:51

    Thanks guurls. I love you 

    (Dulce, si tu aimes Baudelaire nous allons pouvoir nous noyer dans un bain d'amour et de poésie) (J'essaie de finir vite et bien. I love you)
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 17:54

Excellent choix de tout. cara Rebienvenue. I love you
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 18:05

    Dit-elle en brandissant Emma Watson. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3276111495 
    Merci. luv 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 18:37

très bon choix d'avatar. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1643935750
bienvenue à toi. I love you
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 18:38

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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 20:00

    JAMIE. J'exigerai un lien. I love you
    Merci à vous deux. luv 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 20:22

Bienvenue ! =)
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 20:24

Thanks. I love you
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 22:23

Le Régicide Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1643935750 I love you Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 4221783123 luv GNI fouet Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1599866045 IN LOVE kis kis Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3490716875 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 2204312863 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 306572288 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1755454274 bave 

voilà quoi... bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you ⭐ 
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 22:45

    J'ai mis un moment avant de comprendre que régicide = kingslayer Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1599866045
    Je te retourne les effusions de smileys parce que BILLIE FUCKING PIPER. Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 2204312863 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 2204312863 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 2204312863 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 (je te réserve un lien luv)
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyLun 14 Oct - 22:47

arf oui, je parle french moi Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3210088382

seksy t'as vu Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 3982765695 et un lien OMFG owiii I love you Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1643935750
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyMar 15 Oct - 9:30

super choix d'avatar I love you bienvenue luv
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyMar 15 Oct - 12:38

NIKOLAJ Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 1643935750 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 2407042452 

Welcome I love you
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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] EmptyMar 15 Oct - 16:24

Super choix de scénario ! tongue Woody, j'adore le pseudo Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 754271649 Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] 754271649 
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Contenu sponsorisé

Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]   Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11] Empty

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Sweetheart, I'm just here to get drunk again, I wouldn't move if I was you. [délai 01/11]

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