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 abigaël # there was something in the air that night

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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyDim 6 Oct - 14:52


abigaël # there was something in the air that night R1lfyv

about LIFE&STUFF &hearts

27 ans ♣ Célibataire ♣ Résident aux urgences

Née au dans une petite ville du Texas ♣ A deux petites soeurs ♣ Alors qu'elle avait 18 ans, elle a été impliquée dans un accident de voiture qui a coûté la vie à un adolescent ♣ Le jour suivant cet accident, la conductrice s'est rendue à la police tandis qu'Abi fuyait sur la côte ouest ♣ Elle a coupé les ponts avec ses parents, mais elle reste en contact avec ses soeurs ♣ Elle commence ses études de médecin, une sorte de revanche sur la vie ♣ Elle décide de se spécialiser dans le services des urgences ♣ Il y a peu, un homme vient la voir à l'hôpital et se présente comme le frère de l'adolescent mort dans l'accident. Il souhaite la faire tomber.

Généreuse - Jalouse - Sensible - Lunatique - Amusante - Mystérieuse - Bornée - Consciencieuse
Lui . Elle . Lui

mes scénarii recherchés

Titre . Nature du lien, court résumé du scénario free . taken
Titre . Nature du lien, court résumé du scénario free . taken
Titre . Nature du lien, court résumé du scénario free . taken
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyDim 6 Oct - 14:53

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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyDim 6 Oct - 14:53


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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyDim 6 Oct - 20:39


A vous abigaël # there was something in the air that night 3597618951 
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 15:58

n'oublies pas la meilleure des colocataires abigaël # there was something in the air that night 3070958848 
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 15:59

Tu m'oublis pas hein ????? abigaël # there was something in the air that night 2407042452 abigaël # there was something in the air that night 2407042452 abigaël # there was something in the air that night 2407042452 I love you I love you abigaël # there was something in the air that night 1643935750 abigaël # there was something in the air that night 1643935750 abigaël # there was something in the air that night 1643935750 abigaël # there was something in the air that night 306572288 
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 16:18

Je vous oublie pas les filles luv luv 
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 16:48

MOI MOI MOI je veux un lien !!
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 17:31

Bien sûr, une idée ? PERV 
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyLun 7 Oct - 17:36

Que me propose tu ?
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Eirene York-Leicester
Eirene York-Leicester
INTERNEPremière année
✄ messages : 1351

abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 10:16

Coucou abigaël # there was something in the air that night 1643935750
Est-ce que le fait qu'elle aurait été 'impliquée' dans un accident de voiture serait connu ? abigaël # there was something in the air that night 1412801209
Parce que ça pourrait conditionner un éventuel lien luv
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night EmptyDim 13 Oct - 11:20

Toi ! Moi ! Un lien ! ♥
Abigaël est comment ? Le genre compétente ? Le genre "surdouée naturellement" ? Ou le genre "je suis douée parce que je bosse" ?
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abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty
MessageSujet: Re: abigaël # there was something in the air that night   abigaël # there was something in the air that night Empty

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abigaël # there was something in the air that night

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