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 THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.

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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 12:02

Je redéplace ta fiche et je te reréserve Amber, y a aucun soucis et merci pour ton MP luv
Les problèmes d'internet ça arrive à tout le monde, t'inquiète pas cara
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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 12:06

    Haaaan merci t'es un ange, merci merci luv 
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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 15:05

Eenn Amber bave 
Bienvenue THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 1643935750 
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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 18:32

T'as réussi à la faire tenir sur un message THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 4221783123 THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 2407042452

scalpel please !
Te voilà désormais validé ! Tu peux d'ores et déjà aller poster dans le flood, les jeux, et bien entendu rp. Mais avant toute chose, nous te demandons juste de passer recenser ton avatar par ici, et ensuite d'aller poster par ici pour recenser ton métier. Ce sont des passages obligatoires pour qu'on s'y retrouve un minimum sur le forum !
Ensuite, tu es libre d'aller te créer une fiche de liens, de sujets, et puis... Enjoy luv
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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 EmptyDim 13 Oct - 16:29

    Oui j'ai écourté mon histoire THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 4221783123 

    Merci beaucoup THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 2466559169 
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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.   THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret. - Page 2 Empty

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THEODORA ❥ The follies are the only things you'll never regret.

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