Sujet: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 29 Sep - 22:57
because all suffering is sweet to me.
that one moment, when you know you're not a sad story. you are alive.
Slessor, Taylah + 41 ans + Titulaire en Neurochirurgie+ San Francisco + Célibataire + Scalpel.
Elle est la terreur des internes, ils redoutent tous de se retrouver dans son service. C'est une femme forte qui a consacré toute sa vie à son travail. C'est une référence dans le milieu de la neurologie, l'hôpital est même venu la débaucher de son ancien emploi contre sa position actuelle de chef de service. Elle déteste les commérages à son propos, bien qu'elle apprécie d'entendre les dernières frasques de ses collègues ou subalternes. Elle fait tout pour en dévoiler le moins possible sur sa vie, pour éviter d'être le sujet de la dernière rumeur. Elle a réussi à garder le secret sur son homosexualité jusqu'à récemment, c'était jusqu'à ce qu'une de ses exs vienne faire un scandale à l'hôpital devant une grande partie de son service. Concernant ses relations avec les femmes, elles sont rarement sérieuses, elle n'aime pas s'attacher. Elle préfère penser qu'elle n'a besoin de personne pour être heureuse, son métier lui suffit amplement selon elle.
Dernière édition par Taylah Slessor le Dim 29 Sep - 23:15, édité 4 fois
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 29 Sep - 22:57
Blake Hylland + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
Charlie Barcley+ nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
Sophia Silver-Grey Alias Sushi. + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
Personnel Médical
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
Victoria Geiser+ nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
À ajouter : +Scarlett (??) +Sara (??)
Dernière édition par Taylah Slessor le Sam 5 Oct - 19:24, édité 12 fois
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 29 Sep - 22:57
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
Personnel Médical
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
prénom + nature du lien
You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.
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Je recherche : Des Résidents à martyriser. Des collègues qui auront la vie dure si ils essaient d'être mes amis, des amis des vrais, peut-être de la famille, on sait jamais. Des Internes admiratifs qui me donneront ma barre Mars à tout les matins. Des relations sans buts mais amusantes, des p'tites romances de placards. Des patients éternellement reconnaissants..À vous.
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Lun 30 Sep - 13:11
Voilà ce que j'ai mis pour nous. Dis-moi si ça ne convient pas. ^^
BEST FRIEND ► Deux femmes brillantes et fières de l'être. Ca passait ou ça cassait entre Taylah et Blake. Et c'est passé. Tellement bien même qu'elles sont devenues d'inséparables amies. Il faut dire qu'elles ont des points communs, et pas des moindres. Un talent pour la médecine. Un dégoût naturel pour l'incompétence. Et elles sont des femmes indépendantes qui s'assument. Toutes les deux, elles sont la terreur des résidents et des internes. Il est courant de les voir déjeuner ensemble, ou prendre une pause ensemble, pour s'amuser des petits jeunes qu'elles ont traumatisé ou des résidents qui essaient d'avoir leurs faveurs pour obtenir des cas rares. Bien sûr, tout n'est pas exactement rose entre elles. Taylah est homosexuelle et Blake n'en a jamais rien su. Mais d'un autre côté, elles ne parlent pas tellement sexe toutes les deux. Et la rousse a aussi ses crises de nerfs, ses coups de sang inexpliqués (pour la blonde en tout cas). Et après d'épiques prises de tête entre les deux femmes, Blake a pris le parti de laisser couler. Si Taylah veut lui expliquer, elle le fera. Sinon, autant la laisser s'énerver dans un coin (pas que ça a foutre quand même). Bon ... OK. De temps en temps, Blake fait l'effort de lui envoyer un interne naïf et joyeux à torturer pour lui calmer les nerfs.
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Lun 30 Sep - 16:40
C'est parfaaait j'adooore.
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mar 1 Oct - 14:15
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mar 1 Oct - 14:53
Owi toii
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mer 2 Oct - 16:33
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mer 2 Oct - 18:08
Tu as une idée? :D
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mer 2 Oct - 19:25
Pas vraiment! Mais j'aimerais bien du positif, parce que je viens de me rendre compte que pour l'instant, j'avais pas mal de liens négatif.
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mer 2 Oct - 21:22
Allons-y pour du positif alors! Par contre, j'avoue que j'ai pas trop d'idée :x
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 13 Oct - 20:16
TAYLAH (a) Amie de CB c'est pas suffisant hein ? Tu aurais une idée ?
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 13 Oct - 20:55
Je suis quasi-amoureuse de Chastain alors je veux un lien ? s'il te plait
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Mer 16 Oct - 14:17
Un lien ? :)
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Ven 18 Oct - 20:18
Coucou vous trois! Je suis désolée pour le temps de réponse (J'ai posté une absence). Dès mon retour, on pourra voir nos liens! :D
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am. Dim 27 Oct - 14:49
J'veux un lien ** ! :D
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Sujet: Re: TAYLAH ♪ I'm not a monster...Actually, yes i am.