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 I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.

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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 20:33

Caleb Shepperd
The person i love most is me

dossier médical
nom : Shepperd. prénom(s) :Caleb. âge : Trente-trois ans. lieu et date de naissance : Nashville, 20 Octobre. statut civil : no strings attached. métier/occupation : male nurse. nationalité : Américain. orientation sexuelle : hétéro. caractère : Tête brûlé, Sassiness, Extrême confiance en lui, Drôle, Accro à l'adrénaline, Impatient, Confiant, A.D.D (Trouble du déficit de l'attention avec hyperactivité), Étonnant, Attachant, Sanguin . groupe : SCRUBS. avatar : Jated fucking Leto. type de personnage : inventé.

à hôpital
✂ l'hôpital t'y vas souvent ? réponse.
✂ quand t'as un bobo, tu pleures ou t'es du genre à prendre les devants et à te recoudre avec ce que t'as sous le coude en mode mc gyver ? réponse.
✂ quand t'es malade, t'es du genre repas fait de médocs ou médecine douce ? réponse.
✂ tu mets ta santé en danger ? tu fumes, tu bois ? réponse.
✂ t'as des problèmes de santé connus ? réponse.
✂ ta famille t'a transmis des antécédents médicaux pas très glorieux ? réponse.
✂ t'es du genre allergique ? t'attrapes souvent le premier virus qui passe par là ? réponse.

derrière l'écran
Ici, tu donnes les informations que tu veux sur toi ! Ton petit pseudo, ton âge, même ton prénom si tu veux, et puis bien sûr où tu as connu le forum, ton niveau de présence sur Scrub In, et puis même un petit mot pour la fin, parce qu'on aime bien les infos supplémentaires (et inutiles) !

Dernière édition par Caleb Shepperd le Sam 1 Fév - 20:41, édité 2 fois
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 20:34

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue.

Recherche de liens + On me réserve Jared Leto pretty please?  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 3070958848 
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 20:39

bienvenuuue. luv
et je veux bien un lien  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 1320752554 
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 20:46

je te réserve jared pour 10 jours I love you

Bienvenuuuue luv
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Céleste Rosebury
Céleste Rosebury
INTERNEPremière année
✄ messages : 484

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 21:14

Bienvenue & bon courage pour ta fiche :3
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 21:25

je ne suis pas validée, mais jareeeeeeeed I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 754271649
entre infirmiers, on devrait être capable de se trouver un lien I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 1320752554
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 22:12

Bienvenue sur le forum et bon courage pour ta fiche I love you I love you
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Victoria Thurkell
Victoria Thurkell
PERSONNELSecrétaire du directeur
✄ messages : 969

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 22:36

superbe choix d'avatar *-*

Bienvenue parmi nous
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Aymeric Löwenadler
Aymeric Löwenadler
CITOYENHabitant de San Francisco
✄ messages : 202

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptySam 1 Fév - 23:11

Jared, ça faisait tellement longtemps que je l'avais pas vu en rp I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 3841814817
Très bon choix, donc I love you Bienvenue en tout cas I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 2407042452
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Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
PERSONNELTravailleur social
✄ messages : 1331

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 1:20

JARED LETO OMG  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 2407042452 I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 2407042452 I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 766947147 
Je te réserve un lien of courseeee  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 1755454274 

Bienvenue sur le forum et n'hésite pas si tu as des questions  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 3982765695 
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 2:37

BIENVENUE PARMI NOUS ! I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 3276111495
Bonne chance pour la suite !  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 2407042452
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 11:06

Bienvenuuuuuuuue I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 766947147
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 13:01

Bienvenue &' bonne chance pour ta fiche  I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 2659990741 
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 20:00

Bienvenue sur SI. ❤Excellent choix d'avatar & bon courage pour ta fiche. I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. 1643935750
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyDim 2 Fév - 20:31

bienvenue I love you
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Victoria Thurkell
Victoria Thurkell
PERSONNELSecrétaire du directeur
✄ messages : 969

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyMer 12 Fév - 17:40

Bonjour, le délai pour ta présentation est terminé. Ta présentation est donc mis dans les présentations en danger. Si nous n'avons pas de nouvelle de ta part d'ici 7 jours, ta présentation et ton compte seront supprimés.
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Victoria Thurkell
Victoria Thurkell
PERSONNELSecrétaire du directeur
✄ messages : 969

I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. EmptyMer 19 Fév - 12:09

7 jours sont passés, je suis au regret d'archiver ta présentation et de te supprimer.
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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.   I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm. Empty

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I was a fan of anywhere you could smoke and drink at 2:00 pm.

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