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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptySam 28 Sep - 14:34

Yep, bonsoir, bonjour, bonne nuit, bonne année, bonne santé, bon app', fin tu vois quoi. BONNE JOURNEE ! (j'allais oublier siffle  )
Ma gallerie des horreurs, oh yeah.
Tout a commencé par de nombreuses installations de Photoshop, pour finir (enfin Gad  ) avec toshop cs5 extended avec le petit truc Topaz qu'aide parfois PERV  .
J'ai commencé début été 2013 et mes modèles de toujours sont money honey, herjuliwii, parce que leurs colos gèrent de trop truc de malades, et que les colos et moi, on se cherche.
Enfin voilà, enjoyyy ! I love you

(puis si vous voulez me trouver sur bazz, j'ai une petite ce : clique ici wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 516814376  wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3841814817 
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptySam 28 Sep - 14:35


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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyMar 1 Oct - 17:04

j'adore ce que tu fais ! luv 
mes préférés sont ceux-là :
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyMar 1 Oct - 19:33

ils sont canons popolinou luv 
j'adooore celui-ci :
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyMer 2 Oct - 9:46

c'est sublime, mais tu le sais déjà wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3276111495 
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Eirene York-Leicester
Eirene York-Leicester
INTERNEPremière année
✄ messages : 1351

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyMer 2 Oct - 14:39

Les couleurs et la 'texture' appliquée dessus ça rend tellement wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 On a l'impression de voir des avatars d'herjuliwii quoi Arrow
Pour une fois tu gères wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 2466559169
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyJeu 3 Oct - 17:00

Tu es trop douée, bella! wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 6 Oct - 20:38

Meeeeeerci ! puis genre on dirait ceux de herju', le compliment ultime wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3841814817


wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091770-mila1-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091776-mila2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091784-mila1 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091784-mila3 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091785-mila4 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381091784-mila4-2
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 6 Oct - 21:02

OHMYGOAD. Avoue que tu as vue mon MP sur Bazzart qui te demande très subtilement de répondre à ma commande, hein ? luv wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3276111495 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 4221783123 J'adooooore le premier ! Merci ! wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3276111495
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyLun 7 Oct - 16:44

Trèèèèèès subtilement wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 4221783123
J'avoue, c'est mon préféré, plus je le regarde, plus je le trouve canon (jmekiffe bonjour wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 4221783123) luv
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Eirene York-Leicester
Eirene York-Leicester
INTERNEPremière année
✄ messages : 1351

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 9:25

OMG sublime wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649
Hésite pas si Crystal te passe par la tête wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3070958848
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 20:58

J'ai essayé hihi, j'en referai d'autres I love you

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381438691-sans-titre-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381438695-crystal2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381438694-crystal1-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381438694-crystal1
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptySam 12 Oct - 10:00

Beauuuuuu wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 766947147 J'adore ce tu fais avec un petit coup de coeur pour celui-ci d'Emmy que j'adore :
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Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
PERSONNELTravailleur social
✄ messages : 1331

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptySam 12 Oct - 12:35

c'est affreux, j'ai envie de vomir, sérieusement.

c'est trop magnifique ce que tu fais, tu as progressé si vite wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3841814817 
continue comme ça ma pauuu cara
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 10:26

Merci vous êtes des amours I love you toi aussi Cathou! fais ta galerie et remets toi à grapher, tu graphes trop bien! wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3841814817


wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira1 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659751-keira1-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira2-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659749-keira3 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira4 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659755-keira5 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659756-keira6 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659757-keira7 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659756-keira8 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659753-keira8-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659759-keira9 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659756-keira9-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659759-keira11 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659756-keira12

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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 11:22

Mais c'est une tuerie wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 2407042452 
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Eirene York-Leicester
Eirene York-Leicester
INTERNEPremière année
✄ messages : 1351

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 11:48
Ohw merci luv

Ceux de Keira, je meure wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 Les effets de texte bave
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 11:52

Han vous me faites grave plaisir I love you contente que ça plaise, t'as mis mon préféré Clem !! luv
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Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
Elijah Sawyer-Rhodes
PERSONNELTravailleur social
✄ messages : 1331

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 14:37

J'ai pas trop le temps de grapher, mais je vais recommencer bientôt, promis I love you


wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira2-2 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659759-keira9

Tu déconnes j'espère? Déjà, ta colo est juste trop belle quoi. Puis regarde ce que tu fais avec ces brush. JE SUIS IN LOVE wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750 Si Adam te tente, gâte-toi wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 14:58

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381659750-keira2-2
Magnifique wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 14:59

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3210088382 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3210088382wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3210088382
HAAAN Haança roule, je verrai hihi luv

wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676245-alexa wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676242-alexa2wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676245-alexa3wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676245-alexa4wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676244-alexa6wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676247-alexa6-2wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676253-alexa7wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676247-alexa8wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676246-alexa9wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676253-alexa10wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676253-alexa10-2wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676253-alexa11wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676248-alexa12wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676252-alexa13wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1381676248-alexia5
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 15:01

tes avatars sont magnifiques, la colo est ouf Shocked wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3276111495 les derniers d’alexa chung goood wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750 si un jour emilia t’inspire, hésite pas wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3210088382 wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 4221783123 
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 16:03

Sérieusement, Pauline (j'allais dire Dasha...), t'es juste trop douée ! wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 3276111495 
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 17:36

WOW wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 ta coloration est SUPERBE, je suis totale fan luv luv luv 
Si Henry t'inspire, n'hésite paaas cara wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 754271649 
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS EmptyDim 13 Oct - 18:58

OMYGOD ! C'est vraiment trop trop sublime ! wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS 1643935750 Mais genre trop trop sublime ! Oui je sais je me répète mais voila quoi *__*
Si Karen t'inspire (a)
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wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty
MessageSujet: Re: wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   wood spoon ~ I'M ON A PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Empty

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