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 (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.

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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyDim 29 Sep - 19:26

Gabriel Latterson
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, & outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.

dossier médical
nom : latterson. prénom(s) : gabriel matthew. âge : trente ans. lieu et date de naissance : douze mars 1983 à Sydney. statut civil : ici. métier/occupation : titulaire en cardiologie. nationalité : australien. orientation sexuelle : hétérosexuel. caractère : de nature calme, optimiste, poser, jaloux, mature, discret, très perfectionniste, impatient, drageur, blagueur. groupe : scalpel. avatar : jesse spencer.

à hôpital
✂ l'hôpital t'y vas souvent ?réponse.
✂ quand t'as un bobo, tu pleures ou t'es du genre à prendre les devants et à te recoudre avec ce que t'as sous le coude en mode mc gyver ? réponse.
✂ quand t'es malade, t'es du genre repas fait de médocs ou médecine douce ? réponse.
✂ tu mets ta santé en danger ? tu fumes, tu bois ? réponse.
✂ t'as des problèmes de santé connus ? réponse.
✂ ta famille t'a transmis des antécédents médicaux pas très glorieux ? réponse.
✂ t'es du genre allergique ? t'attrapes souvent le premier virus qui passe par là ? réponse.

derrière l'écran
Ici, tu donnes les informations que tu veux sur toi ! Ton petit pseudo, ton âge, même ton prénom si tu veux, et puis bien sûr où tu as connu le forum, ton niveau de présence sur Scrub In, et puis même un petit mot pour la fin, parce qu'on aime bien les infos supplémentaires (et inutiles) !

Dernière édition par Gabriel Latterson le Mar 1 Oct - 21:40, édité 4 fois
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyDim 29 Sep - 19:27

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus. Suspendisse lectus tortor, dignissim sit amet, adipiscing nec, ultricies sed, dolor. Cras elementum ultrices diam. Maecenas ligula massa, varius a, semper congue, euismod non, mi. Proin porttitor, orci nec nonummy molestie, enim est eleifend mi, non fermentum diam nisl sit amet erat. Duis semper. Duis arcu massa, scelerisque vitae, consequat in, pretium a, enim. Pellentesque congue.
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyDim 29 Sep - 19:27

bienvenue I love you 
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyDim 29 Sep - 19:46

Han Jesse, super choix (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 1643935750 Bienvenue sur le forum ! (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 766947147
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 2:25

Bienvenue sur le forum et bon courage pour ta fiche luv
Jesse, je viens de mater le début de la saison de Chicago Fire avec lui en plus (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 1643935750 
Je te réserve Jesse pour 10 jours et si t'as besoin d'autre chose, hésite pas.
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 5:37

Bienvenue parmi nous. (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 3276111495
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 18:05

JESSE (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 1643935750 Super choix ! (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 2407042452

bon courage pour ta fiche (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 766947147
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 18:06

Bienvenue I love you Superbe choix (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 2407042452 
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 20:49

le plus beau.. luv bienvenuue.
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 21:32

Jesse est un peu ma-gni-fique quoi ! (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 754271649 
Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche !
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 21:33

Cardio ? Ça m'intéresse beaucoup, un petit lien cela te dit ? (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 1643935750 (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 2407042452 
Sinon, Bienvenue ♥️
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 21:34

.. Un de mes fantasmes à l'époque de Dr.House. Haan
Bienvenue I love you
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyLun 30 Sep - 21:58

La base quoi. (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 2204312863 
Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta présentation (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. 306572288 
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyJeu 3 Oct - 19:06

bienvenue I love you 
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyMer 9 Oct - 14:03

Bienvenuuuuue :3
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. EmptyJeu 10 Oct - 11:29

Coucou, ton délai de réservation pour Jesse Spencer est terminé ainsi que celui pour finir ta présentation. Je déplace donc ta présentation dans les présentations en danger, n'hésites pas à poster un message à la suite pour que l'on t'accorde un délai et que tu puisses finir ta fiche cara
En espérant te revoir très vite luv
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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.   (gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal. Empty

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(gabriel) No lesions, no aneurysms. Ironically, the mind of a killer looks completely normal.

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